
  • Product ID: #54
  • Available: In stock

The «Aquatus Carp» fry feed can be used for larvae of all fish species. High quality ingredients processed with low temperature extrusion guarantee success.

Product Description

«Aquatus Carp»

Carp belong to the cyprinid family and are a globally important species for fish farming. They are omnivores, but prefer feed with animal proteins.
Therefore, in addition to grain and plant-based proteins, «Aquatus Carp» adds a balanced amount of fish and poultry meal to all carp feed formulas for good growth and meat quality.

The «Aquatus Carp» fry feed can be used for larvae of all fish species. High quality ingredients processed with low temperature extrusion guarantee success.

The fry feed «Aquatus Carp»  is available in many different sizes starting from 0,4 mm. The quality feed formulation with focus on digestibility ensures a highly efficient feed for maximum survival rate of the fish.

«Aquatus Carp» grower feed for carp is available in 4 different pellet sizes. The pellets are extruded and very stable in the water. The feed formualtion focuses on digestibility with optimal nutrient supply. This is the basis for best growth and highest meat quality.

Carp Table

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